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Chinese Dragons



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Help Name These Two Dragons

and Bring Them Home to Treasure Island

Two dragons from the Chinese Village at our world's fair are returning to Treasure Island after an absence of 77 years. We are excited to have found them and welcome them home.


But the museum needs clever and generous help to bring them here, and to name them.

Dragons are expensive, even plaster ones that don’t have to be fed. The museum must raise $6,000 to purchase the dragons and give them the minimum professional cleaning and restoration needed to place them on display.

You can help by clicking the Donate Here button at the left.  Indicate "Dragon Fund" on your contribution. The East Bay Depot for Creative Reuse has contributed half the purchase price, but over $5,000 is still needed.


And the dragons need names!  Post your ideas on our Facebook page, use the form below, or email us at

A Tale of Two Dragons



These three-foot tall dragons adorned the Chinese Village at the Golden Gate International Exposition. When the fair was demolished in 1940, the late Tom Do Hing rescued the dragons and occasionally displayed them inside and outside his shop, Chong Imports, on Grant Avenue in Chinatown.

When the store closed in 2015, the family donated the dragons to the nonprofit East Bay Depot for Creative Reuse, where TIM Vice President Mimi Manning found and adopted them.


Thanks! We'll let you know the final names.

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