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"But my experience has been one without no regrets, no regrets at all. I enjoy everything that I experienced, and the hardships to joy because it's made me who I am today. I am grateful. It's not always about money. It's about opportunity, meeting people who are genuine, meeting people who are... There's good friendship. Everyone who I met at the island, I'm still friends with them to this day. All the staff that works, even the new ones. That's rare because sometimes people, once they're done with you, they're just done with you. It's a temporary service. You're going through Walmart, you get the cashier, they ring you up. Have a nice day, bye. Another face. That's not the case with One Treasure Island. I still communicate with them. I still talk with them. I'm still getting help from One Treasure Island to this day. So I wouldn't...nah. My experience I would've done different based on just what I know now, but I don't regret what I experienced. I accept it, and I embrace it."

Listen to an excerpt and watch the full interview below

Ishmael Wesley
00:00 / 09:53

Ishmael Wesley

Ishmael Wesley

Construction Training Program Graduate

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"Treasured Stories" is an exhibition of oral histories surveying Treasure Island from 1997 through the present. 

To learn more about One Treasure Island, click here.
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