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Treasure Island Museum News

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You Met the Challenge!

You met the $15,000 challenge of our generous sponsors, Pat & Shirley Campbell, Claire Isaacs Wahrhaftig and the estate of Zoe Dell Lantis Nutter. And you exceeded it by $9,576!

We are grateful for the following donors who helped make the match:

Gary Anderson Janet Kennedy

Donald Andreni Carol Klein

RADM USN (Ret.)Thomas Andrews Jack Lapidos

Anonymous (2) Wayne Lawson

Katherine Banks and Richard Nair Eula Loftin

Mort Beebe Carol Lustenader

Barry Benioff Scott Manley

Roland Brandel Paula March

Donald Briggs Nancy and Hollis Mason

Cindy Casey Mara Melandry

Fred and Sandra Chin Amy and Chris Migdal

Mary Chiu Lawrence Miller

Geoffrey Clarke Ronald Moore and Christie Nelson

Ann Concul Thomas Murray, SCPO, USNR (Ret)

Robert Cote Bernard and Gail Nebenzahl

Darrell DeWeese Ernest Ogren

Cynthia Doll Neil and Linda Peterson

Merle Easton Julia Quinn

Elizabeth Elliott Randall Ramian

Anne A. Farrar Diane Rea

Lisa Freeman Zach Stewart and Ann Somerville

Carol Gadas Henry Rose Jr.

Carmen Garnica Adolph Rosekrans

Wendell and Hilde Gerken Paul Ruggiero

Michael Gray and Eileen Murphy Ed and Pat Schoenstein

Courtney and Andrew D Griffin Harvey Smith

Kathleen Griffin Terry and Jim Sturtevant

Kenneth Hagan Peter Tannen

Jayne Haldane Joseph Taylor

James Hancock Virginia Thomson

Peter Hartdegen Doty Tile

G.L. Hastings Joy Tormey

Rodney Hatley John Underhill

Marlene Hellman Charles Vadalabene

Leonard Holmes Kathleen Velykis

Adrienne and Stephen Horn Claire Wahrhaftig

Tim Irvin Marc Wahrhaftig

Ira Jacknis Marvin Williams

Lavonne Jacobsen

Thank you from our Board and Staff!


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